#1 Issue in Las Vegas Homes: Plumbing

Welcome to a home inspection and defect blog that’s specific to Las Vegas.

The #1 issue in Las Vegas homes aren’t roofing issues, foundation issue, or even related to electrical. In my opinion, they’re all related to plumbing.

Back in the 90’s, Las Vegas installed 2 plumbing systems that are in my opinion, are faulty.

Here’s the two most problematic plumbing system types:

The first one is Kitech. Kitech pipes are generally orange. As with most plumbing materials, it’ll have the name of the product written on its side. While I’ve heard of Kitec, i have yet to actually see it in a home. This is because it’s likely to have been gutted out and replaced in all homes.

The second product is called Polybutylene, sometimes called PB. Unlike Kitec, the defectiveness of PB is still up for some debate among the masses. In my opinion however, I will always count this product as defective. Here’s why: One pattern I picked up on with PB, is that whenever there is PB in a home, I simply see more plumbing leaks throughout the home. These leaks generally present themselves under sinks and in garage ceilings, but they can be in several other places as well.

Besides shotty materials, other things can go wrong with plumbing:

From my time in home-building and commercial construction, I can tell you first-hand that other things can go wrong.

1) Poor Workman ship: This can come in the way of the General Contractor picking a poor plumbing trade for the job. Sometimes money gets tight, sometimes the good subcontactors are too busy, and we’ve got no other choice than to choose the inexperienced team.

2) Poor Inspectors: Building Inspectors are human just like the rest of us. This type of inspector is forced to examine 50+ homes everyday especially when things get busy. There’s no way that they can go fitting by fitting throughout the home.

3) Poor Preservation of materials: Sometimes materials get dropped. Sometimes they spend too much time in the sun or the heat. As a result, they become more defective.

Now, why do I consider plumbing issues so severe?

Water degrades materials.

Water is sometimes regarded as nature’s most corrosive material (when measured by it’s quantity on earth). If you put water in the presence of literally anything on earth, it’s will degrade it. Wood, rocks, and metal are just the beginning. But when water comes in contact with these building materials, it degrades them.

Where there is water, there is mold.

As most people know, mold is harmful to humans. Over time, mold can cause a number of issues in humans. The top two being chronic and acute lung issues, and frequent bouts of sickness.

But what about foundation issues, I hear those are the most severe?

Two part answer to this. First, foundation issues are severe, but they’re uncommon. Before I started inspecting, I assumed I’d see a lot more of these. I simply don’t.

Secondly if you do have issues with foundation, it’s likely failing due to a issue related to plumbing. Faulty plumbing issues cause foundation problems. Here’s why. Most people think a foundation is failing because the concrete is failing. This is not the truth. The foundation typically fails because the dirt underneath it is failing. If you undermine a foundation, it’s going to settle. Settling is more common than a foundation being compressed. If you have a 6” slab, after 20 years, it’s probably going to still be at 6”. What’s more variable though, is the condition of the soil underneath it. If you have a soil type that expands in the presence of water like clay does. Or, if you have a soil type that collapses in the presence of water like gypsum does. You’re in for some trouble with foundations. That being said, notice that water was the root of these issues.

How much does it cost to fix plumbing issues then?

From quotes that I’ve seen in the past, a 2,000sf home will cost about $20,000 have the plumbing system replaced with a new one.


Plumbing issues in Vegas are the most likely culprit to a great real estate transaction. Home’s with Kitec, PB, or several leaks throughout the home resulting from shotty workmanship should be addressed by a plumber in addition to a home inspector. Also, a good home warranty and insurance policy can shield you from the nightmares of mold issues, flooding issues and structural issues caused by plumbing failures.

To schedule your home inspection with the best home inspector in Las Vegas reach out to (702)376-9105.


Stuck Windows are deathtraps


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